Visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Minister of knowledge transfer, Start-ups and micro-enterprises

PAUWES was honoured to welcome this morning His Excellency, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Professor Kamel Bedari and His Excellency, the Minister of knowledge transfer, Start-ups and micro-enterprises Mr Yassine El-Mehdi Oualid.

Professor Abdellatif Zerga, The PAUWES Director,  presented the institute’s achievements. He focused on the role that PAUWES is playing as PanAfrican Institution for revitalizing higher education and boosting research & innovation; aiming to achieve Agenda 2063 towards a prosperous and peaceful Africa.

Then, the two ministers met all PAUWES staff and students. They listened to some presentations about the short-term lecturers and students’ recruitments, presentations about the PAUWES academic Programs, presentations on International research projects in which PAUWES is a key partner and finally a presentation on Entrepreneurship and Career Services.

The visit was closed by a presentation of the PAUWES students’ community of practice, an online platform to connect PAUWES stakeholders virtually so they can interact, communicate, collaborate and network.

PAUWES took this opportunity for strengthening its cooperation with national higher education Institutions and start-ups.


5 February 2023

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Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences - PAUWES

c/o Tlemcen University, B.P. 119 | Pôle Chetouane, Tlemcen 13000



M: +213 43 41 04 35

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African Union Agenda 2063

A strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. It builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable development. These include STISA 2024, the Lagos Plan of Action

